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Sizewell C nuclear power station

As announced in April 2022, nuclear energy forms the backbone of the government’s strategy to reach net zero emissions by 2050. To support these ambitions, a number of nuclear reactors will be commissioned in the coming decade - Sizewell C will be the first of these.

Once operational, it will generate enough low-carbon electricity to supply six million homes and will avoid around nine million tonnes of carbon emissions each year.​ ​​​​​​Analysis has confirmed that CO2 emissions for the electricity generated by Sizewell C will be even lower than that of wind and solar power.

Working on the Sizewell C project

team sitting around lunch table

Working on the Sizewell C project

How to get involved

With a project of the size, scale and impact of Sizewell C there are plenty of chances to get involved in this 'career defining project'. 

The Vacancies page is kept up to date with any immediate vacancies, as well as any roles we recruit regularly. 

Submitting your details means you are joining a community that are interested in engineering a better future for our planet and its people, and as such we will keep you posted on not just new roles, but milestones on the project and information we think you may find interesting with monthly updates. 

So if the perfect role is not available today we will let you know when it is!

team sitting around lunch table

"For me it was a no brainer to get involved at Sizewell C. It’s not often that you get the chance to contribute to a mega project that will have a major positive impact on the lives of everyone in the UK in terms of energy security, as well as making a massive contribution to our national Net Zero targets and in doing so, engineer a better future for our planet and it’s people."

Andy Smart
Head of Major Projects

How big are we talking?

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The excavation is equivalent to 3700 Olympic sized swimming pools

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Once operational, the power generated is enough to power the entirety of the UK for half a day each week

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The site will need to accommodate 9,000 workers, which is the equivalent of building the town of the St Ives from scratch

Meet our team

Rammani, Graduate Project Manager
David, Site Establishment Engineering Manager
Kajal, Information Manager