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Making our world safer, secure and more sustainable

Our growing team, across Bristol, Aldershot and Silchester, embraces the definitions of Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and belonging in a vibrant workplace. Resilience Engineering helping to make our world safe, secure and sustainable; through Safety Engineering, Asset and Data Analytics whilst solving the engineering challenges of the future and making our world safer, secure and more sustainable.

Our vibrant and diverse multi-skilled team in the Aerospace, Defence, Security and Technology (ADS&T) Division offer a range of independent and unbiased advice in a number of disciplines including safety engineering, asset management, training and human factors to a wide range of markets and clients.

image of a poster showing resilience engineering is made up of safety & asset management and how it is working together to make our world safe, secure and sustainable

Safety Management - Optimised Systems approach to Safety & Environmental Engineering encompassing infrastructure including People, Hardware, Programmable Elements and Data. Making our world safer, secure and more sustainable.

Asset Management - A systematic process that exploits digital technology and data to make concept, deploying, operating, maintaining, upgrading and disposal of “ASSETS” safer, more cost-effective and more sustainable.

Whilst the core market of the Safety & Asset Management practice remains Aerospace & Defence, we are presently delivering across more than 150 projects, which are not purely within ADS&T but across domains and industry, including Infrastructure, Transformation and Energy. 

Shape The Future With Us

Could this be the challenge for you? Our stimulating projects and dynamic work space can offer you many different, exciting opportunities at every stage of your career. 

We offer fantastic opportunities to become involved in iconic, market leading and innovative programs across not only Aerospace & Defence, but across all of Atkins. The transferable skill sets enables our team to support a breadth and diversity of interesting projects. Collective identify within the practice is key, we invest, develop, challenge and stretch and test our team to maximize personal career development, whilst broadening our practice capability to meet present and future market demands.