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Linxon Vineyard Wind project

Linxon is delivering a turnkey 220/115-kilovolt (kV) substation to Vineyard Wind. The substation will connect clean, renewable energy to the ISO New England power grid from the first utility-scale offshore wind project ever built in the United States. The agreement, contingent upon the project reaching financial close, ensures that tradespeople in Massachusetts will be hired to install the substation under a Project Labor Agreement (PLA).

The design plans make every effort for the substation to blend in with its surroundings and use the highest environmental protection standards. Once the project is operational, it will provide a necessary connection point for clean, renewable energy to the Massachusetts grid. The project will generate cost-competitive electricity for more than 400,000 homes and businesses across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and is expected to reduce carbon emissions by more than 1.6 million tons per year.

The substation, which will commence construction in 2021 and be fully commissioned by 2023, will guarantee local jobs for the next 25 years in both operations and maintenance.