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insights Cambridge biomedical campus

Cambridge Biomedical Campus (CBC) is a major asset in the development of the UK’s life science research, teaching and healthcare industries and growing generator of travel demand which will increase significantly over the next 10 year.

Our multi-disciplinary team reviewed the existing and future transport needs in the area to form a sustainable strategy for the site and identified a transport enhancement package, to meet challenging traffic reduction targets. This work formed an initial evidence base for the proposed new railway station 'Cambridge South'.

this is a image of the proposed Cambridge biomedical campus

We engaged successfully with multiple stakeholders to confirm our analysis and potential options, including Working Group meetings and a well-received event for wider group of stakeholders.

This important transport project was delivered by our specialist team of transport planners, with economic and business case, strategy and policy and development planning backgrounds. Working alongside were data analysts, GIS experts and engagement specialists. This industry leading team has extensive experience in pedestrian and cycling schemes, parking, park and ride, bus and rail public transport, timetabling and marketing meaning that our work was focused on realistically achieveing the sustainable objectives set by our client.