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Structures toolkit

The Asset Information Group (AIG) at Highways England commissioned the DAM team to deliver a managed service to use the ‘Structures Asset Management Planning tool’ (the Structures Toolkit) to analyse over 6000 bridges and culverts to:

  • Understand the real maintenance needs and related budgets for structures maintenance so that a business case for appropriate funding can be put forward to the Government
  • Enable Regional teams to forecast works requirements on their structures over periods of 5 and 30 years.
  • Identify the optimal time for intervention using the right maintenance strategy resulting in savings over time.

DAM’s solution not only enabled HE to continue to support the delivery of its Road Investment Strategy (RIS) 2  business case, Life-cycle Asset Management Plans and the new Structures Condition Indicator, but also allows HE to monitor the performance of their structures stock and see how the structures stock has performed historically since the start of RIS1 and forecasts up to RIS 7.