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Project Resources Manager

  1. Mississauga
  2. Nuclear

Project Resources Manager

Come join us in reshaping the future with AtkinsRéalis. AtkinsRéalis is dedicated in engineering a better future for our planet and its people.

AtkinsRéalis is one of Canada's largest private sector nuclear engineering groups. We have been providing a wide range of services to the nuclear industry in Canada and around the world since for more than 60 years. We are proud to be the steward of Canadian CANDU nuclear technology.

The Project Resources Manager will report to the Vice President, Project Delivery and will be responsible for leadership, development, training, mentoring, and career planning for all project resources assigned to our projects, including Project Coordinators (PCs) and other project staff. This role will require the development of training and mentoring plans for project resources, creating career progression plans, succession plans, supporting recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and close communication with project managers/series leads and others who lead the project staff assigned to our projects.

The Project Resources Manager is expected to exert significant influence developing, monitoring, and managing AtkinsRéalis ‘Project Delivery’ resources assigned to our projects to support project execution on a variety of mandates.

Location - Mississauga, ON

Your role within the team:

  • Provide functional management, mentoring, oversight, support, coaching, and career progression decisions for PCs and other assigned project resources.
  • Recruit, hire, train, onboard PCs and other resources and grow the overall volume and bench strength of AtkinsRéalis talent assigned to projects, and to promote the value of field/site experience to our organization.
  • Maintain close contact with assigned project resources to monitor/manage career progression opportunities, project succession plans, and alleviate attrition threats.
  • Perform reviews of and update Project Delivery assignments in the AtkinsRéalis resourcing tool for all PC staff and review the existing resources vs. current and future work and proposal support to ensure that staffing levels are adequate to support upcoming needs and that the ‘pipeline’ of talent is constantly refreshed.
  • Working closely with HR, review and standardize project assignment conditions, aligning to project and home office requirements.
  • Establish and implement onboarding and training processes for PCs prior to deployment to the site.
  • Establish standards of excellence for various deliverable types (e.g., Construction work packages, requests for field changes initiation, various project reports, commercial change notices, procurement requisitions, non-engineering turnover documents) and perform spot-checks of documents produced by staff to ensure this standard of excellence is upheld.
  • Establish and support Project Delivery co-op program to regularly bring in new talent to our projects.
  • Develop a network of inter-relationships within the existing Project Delivery organization, via group functions, a buddy/mentoring system, and via job-rotations for incoming employees.
  • Cultivate and maintain a positive relationship with project leadership and functional managers.
  • Ensure a strong nuclear safety culture is reinforced continuously.

The Ideal Candidate:

  • 7+ years’ experience supporting various types of projects including construction, manufacturing, or engineering services projects.
  • Fundamental knowledge of PMI standards, familiar with PMBOK, and able to translate between PMI standards and AtkinsRéalis project management policies and procedures, as related to onboarding and training of new Project Delivery staff. PMP not strictly a requirement but will be of value.
  • An appreciation of the importance of Quality Assurance Programs and their significance to the nuclear industry.
  • Working knowledge of EPC project execution including commercial considerations.
  • Working knowledge of industrial safety.
  • Knowledge of Labour Relations as required for working in a union environment.
  • Skilled leader and mentor for indoctrination of new personnel into nuclear safety culture.
  • Effective presentation skills and comfortable with leading classroom learning activities.
  • Excellent organizational, communication, and customer relationship skills.
  • Demonstrated oral and written communication skills.
  • University degree or equivalent, BSc in Engineering considered an asset.

Travel / Mobility Requirements:

  • Position will be headquartered out of Mississauga Ontario with infrequent travel to project and client sites.

Are you up for this challenge? Apply today and join our team to help engineer a Better Future for our Planet and its People.

At AtkinsRéalis, we seek to hire individuals with diverse characteristics, backgrounds, and perspectives. We strongly believe that world-class talent makes no distinctions based on gender, ethnic or national origin, sexual identity and orientation, age, religion, or disability, but enriches itself through these differences.  

AtkinsRéalis cares about your privacy. AtkinsRéalis and other subsidiary or affiliated companies of AtkinsRéalis (referred to throughout as “AtkinsRéalis”) are committed to protecting your privacy. Please consult our Privacy Notice on our Careers site to know more about how we collect, use, and transfer your Personal Data.

By submitting your personal information to AtkinsRéalis, you confirm that you have read and accept our Privacy Notice.

Appropriate accommodations will be provided upon request throughout the recruitment and hiring process as required by Company policy and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

Successful applicants will be notified about AtkinsRéalis’ accommodation policies at the time the employment offer is extended, and the information will be shared with new personnel during the onboarding process.

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