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ERTMS | Europe’s largest re-signaling scheme

Atkins is assisting Rail Net Denmark to deliver the most important combined upgrade in passenger and freight train services in Europe – applying the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) across 2,300 km of twin track on the Danish rail network.  The programme also includes replacement of signalling on the entire Copenhagen mass transit system (S-lines) (170 km double track).

In cooperation with joint venture partners Rambøll, EMCH+Berger og Parsons our teams of specialists help steer the project through all stages, from preparing tender documents to supply on board train equipment and signalling infrastructure, to technical assistance on client side, and system implementation.
The result will be a radical improvement in safety, performance and capacity, and eventually seamless, non-stop trains across Europe’s borders.

Advanced Train Control

The overall project consists of two large projects and two systems: the main and regional lines that will be equipped with ERTMS signalling Level 2, and the Copenhagen S-line, which will use Communications Based Train Control (CBTC).

Improved Reliability

ERTMS will see on-board computers fitted to every train which receive and relay information via trackside radio beacons that communicate with a central control. We’re delivering safer and more reliable services running closer together – which means moving more people in less time.

Innovations in Safety

Safety is, as always, a key feature as ERTMS includes an Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system which applies a train's brakes automatically if there is danger of a potential collision.

Transforming Rail Transport

ERTMS has been designed to be the most high-functioning train control system in the world. Apart from being technically exciting and challenging to work on, our teams are proud of how it’s changing the way people travel. Taking a train across Europe will be seamless, faster and safer than ever. And with lower maintenance and an opened supply market it will also cost people less to get around Europe.

Join us to transform transportation – browse jobs to see where you fit in.


kilometres of twin track
km/h top speed
more capacity on existing infrastructure