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Rising for excellence

14 April 2020 

Meet a leader, focused on lifting up those around him

man in suit smiling

Martin has a superb record in his role as Principal Consultant at Atkins, a member of the AtkinsRéalis Group. So it comes as no surprise that his personal contribution and commitment to showcasing our capabilities in the cyber field have been exemplary. With his innate technical competence, commercial acumen and outstanding stakeholder management, he's strengthened one of our key portfolios, setting us up for future growth. We caught up with him recently to find out what he's working on and what he enjoys most about Atkins.

Where are you based? 

image of the London office from the sky

I work out of our fabulous London office, Nova North. However, I find myself operating across several locations of our ADS&T business and client sites across the south of the UK. 

What one amazing thing has Atkins helped you discover about yourself?

That I really enjoy being a 'people person.' Working so closely with our clients, becoming one of the team, as well as engaging across the full range of our consultancy excellence. All of this has shown me that bringing talented and driven people together is a real strength in solving complex problems and getting things done. The thrill of completing challenges or getting a project delivered is so much better when shared with an outstanding team.

How does your voice matter at Atkins?

image of an Atkins booth at a trade show

If you have an idea for positive change in Atkins, the organization is willing to hear you and help you make it happen. Working within the cyber-security Business and Digital Consulting team means I can focus on our team's growth and development. 

I've been working on an initiative called the 'Atkins Cyber Academy,' which is designed to elevate our teams' cyber-security awareness across the organization. The academy enables us to maintain the high level of excellence needed to deliver secure design, engineering and project management for all our clients. 

I've been supported with technical development and delivery by a talented team led by my colleague Mike. And we've also been supported at director-level with internal sponsorship, which is helping it to become a real success story.

How are your teams thriving together at Atkins?

The environment that is wrapped around all of us in Atkins and ADS&T enables us to be our very best. We're supported to work closely with clients to solve their problems, deliver their projects, and get them to where they need to be. This is an everyday example of how our delivery teams are thriving.

How is collaboration central to what you do at Atkins?

My roles see me working on the frontline of our delivery into key clients. Our collaborative approach is central to ADS&T and Atkins, enabling me to bring the best engineering design, cyber-security experience and support to our clients. Without the wider collaborative and supportive team that I exist in, the work I do for clients would not be possible.

How has your team's diversity helped you achieve excellence in your projects?

Diversity enables innovative thinking. Our huge range of experience and perspectives allows us to really provide a broad spectrum of solutions for our clients. We're exceptional at really taking a client problem and viewing it from many different viewpoints. The result is the best and most secure design solution possible, diversity enables that.

Why is Atkins a great place to be? 

It has to be the positive environment. Atkins really feels like a friendly, inclusive and supportive place to work. I've always thought that the organization is there to enable the work that I'm here to deliver. But, it also helps me with personal enrichment, development and growth, as well as that of our clients. 

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